Woooo! Pig Sooie!!!! The shade of blue gray of her eyes makes us think she might be a blue eyed brunette.
Sydney Danielle hanging out on the couch during one of her FEW awake moments. I guess some of you might be interested in some stats. She was born July 28 after a 3 hour labor. Fast and furious...get Dan to tell the story, it's like a sitcom, with "Just give me the drugs!!!!!" moments and everything. =) It was a drugless delivery since it happened so fast. She was 6.9 lbs, 19 in and had a nice, small head.
Dan's birthday party was fun. Abby baked him a cake and insisted we light candles and sing to him. So, Dan had the spectacle he didn't want for his 30th. Looking at this picture I can see how pale I am. I lost a lot of blood and am still trying to get my hemoglobin levels up. Anyway, this is our happy family!