Hi everyone! Trying a new thing her. Thought I would start a blog and see if it's worth the effort. =) Hopefully I can post a few pictures every once in a while. I have to do that on a friend's computer, but still, it's something. Anyway...let's see if I can update you all a little on what's going on.
Daniel is coaching JV basketball and enjoying it pretty well. He is coaching with Jeremy and they are having a pretty decent season. I think they only have three more weeks of games. Schedules are iffy right now because with the school we missed and games that have been rescheduled (due to the unrest) nobody is sure which ones we'll make up and all that jazz.
As far as the political stuff goes...we're just waiting to see what happens. All these possible solutions are on the line, but it all comes down to stubbornness. We'll see if Kibaki and Odinga can FINALLY strike a deal. Then we'll see how it goes from there. There are, of course, still violent areas and many refugees, but there has been an amazing recovery also. Churches and camps have really taken care of people and they are getting food, homes and jobs. There is definitely progress, slow as it may be. just pray that God is glorified through all of it, and not man .
The girls and I are still at home just living life. I am working on potty training Kaylee...not going so well yet. =) Abby is still loving Eaglets twice a week. The lady that's doing Eaglets leaves March 16th, though, so I don't know what will happen then. I am considering taking over Eaglets just to finish the year out. I will OBVIOUSLY not be doing it next fall. Oh, I think anyone reading this probably knows, but just in case you haven't heard, we are expecting baby #3 August 8. =) Abby and Kaylee are both very excited. Abby is really hoping for a brother. We are not finding out the gender, so neutral is the name of the game so far. =)
Also, TERRIFIC news...we were just informed that our LOVING and WONDERFUL family want to bring us home for Christmas!!!! =) SO...we're coming home for Christmas! We are still working on tickets, schedules, money, etc., but plan to be int eh states for three weeks. We will most likely fly into Dallas, spend a few days there, and then be in AR for the rest of the time (except for a week in Branson with the Nipper clan). We will come in around the 19th or 20th. SO, hopefully we will get to see everyone. Just keep that in mind and plan all of your family activities around us. =) Just kidding!!!!
Okay, that's enough for a first blog update. WE love you all and get in touch when you can.